Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Flats and Handwashing: Day 3

Well, today was interesting.  I went in to the Dr's office with both boys, Gee in flats and Dizzy in undies, of course.  That went well, and easy enough.

Before we left the house, I did diaper laundry.  Just over 24 hours worth of diapers was three sink fulls of laundry!  Tomorrow I"ll get a basin out to wash them in.  Likely the same one I wash my woolies in.  Because it was raining outside, I hung the diapers all over the bathroom, not wanting sopping flats on my wood chairs.  There were way too many to do that with!  I need an indoor drying rack for rainy days like this morning!

After we finished up with the annoying Dr visit we stopped by work to meet The Hubs with candy and a soda.  Just to let him know we love him:)  Then, we came home to still wet diapers (this was 3hours after hanging them up)!  We still had 3 flats left at that point, and Little Gee went straight to bed with a dry one on after lunch.  Thank goodness they are absorbent enough for him to pee in twice in a pinch. 

So, then a full 6 hours after hanging them up, my flats were still wet.  Not dripping or soaked, but wet.  Part of it is the humidity and lack of air flow in the house.  Part of it is my arms were hurting and I didn't get things wrung out like I should have.  A lot of it was that they were bunched up against each other.  Outside the weather was still cool, but the rain was done and a breeze had started, so I decided to hang them out on the line.  It was humid, but what the hay. . . it's just as humid inside too.  There was 15% or less chance of rain until 8pm, so I thought I could manage.  Should they not get dry in time, I do have a hair dryer.  (I REFUSE TO CHEAT!)

Well, I thought it was breezy. . . . . .

Maybe. . . . .

Wait for it. . . .
 Well, get out of town!  It's down right windy!  I've been told that cool windy days are perfect line drying weather.  The coolness allows clothes to dry nice and slowly while the breeze keeps it from stiffening up!  We'll see how it turns out.  They were hung by 3pm.  By 4pm one diaper was dry.  By 4:30 it started to sprinkle and I lost my nerve and brought them in.  The last ones were dry enough to fold and put away just a few minutes ago (it's 8:03pm now). 

All in all the diaper challenge was easy enough today too.  I don't like how long it took to dry my diapers, but there are solutions to that.  Wringing out more water, maybe even spinning them in a salad spinner first, using a drying wrack and fan could make humid/wet days like today a little faster drying:)  However, I think after this challenge I would likely use a dryer on a day like this. 

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