Because The Hubs and Dizzy enjoy camping, I decided to brave it out in the wilderness with all my boys, including the 1yr old Little Gee.
He was lots of fun on the ride up! Little Gee really should have been napping, but fought it really hard the entire hour and a half we were in the car!
Dizzy on the other hand. . . not so much. He didn't get as many pictures taken because he's pretty darn boring in the car!
Dizzy did liven things up! He could not wait to pee in the grass. . . you don't even want to know what else he wanted to do in the grass!
It was a family camp out. There are many families from our church here.
Dizzy:) His true self. Serious and always picking at something!
The Hubs (aka the love of my life!)
My hero putting Little Gee to sleep so I could eat breakfast. Little did I know he would decide to cut a tooth that night!
The Chefs.
More chefs. Pancakes, eggs and sausage always taste better when you're camping!
Sleep at last!
Keep your eyes peeled. . . he's going to disappear.
Ok, where's the post office when you need it? Send me your address and I"ll mail him to you:)
See the blue toenail? That's the only part of me that got pictured. That's the best part of being the only one with a camera!
Little Gee spent most the time in a cover-less diaper. He got eaten alive even though I smothered him with bug spray!
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